Lifestyle Diseases conference market report 2023

The motto of 2nd Lifestyle Diseases conference is to confer about the modern lifestyle, the diseases linked and to aware people for upholding a precise lifestyle to be healthy. The conference invites eminent and renowned personnel like dieticians, nutritionists, healthcare Professionals, PhDs, cardiologists, psychiatrist, physicians, paediatrics, endocrinologists, food Industrialists to exchange their knowledge, experience, and research innovations to shape a healthy world. The conference constitutes many notable academic programs including keynote sessions, oral presentations, workshops, poster presentations, video presentations etc. The participants will be provided with certifications, brand establishment, rebuilding new customer base, new tips and tactics, global networking. Of the projected 57 million deaths occurring globally, 36 million (almost two thirds) are due to diseases that are caused by lifestyle, which comprise mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases, mostly in middle- and low- income countries. The United Nations have assessed that the increasing loss due to the social and psychosomatic burdens to the global economy could touch $47 trillion by 2030 if things remain status quo.
Annual direct costs of lifestyle diseases were the highest in the USA, followed by European and Western Pacific regions. In USA, the minimum and maximum mean reported annual total direct costs for Cardiovascular diseases were 6,668 USD and 81,096 USD, respectively, whereas the average annual direct costs for Cardiovascular diseases varied from 1,643 USD to 69,440 USD, and from 3,862 USD to 5,693 USD for the European and Western Pacific regions, respectively
The worldwide market for interventional cardiology innovations alone came to an expected $12.2 billion out of 2014. The cost of Medical Devices needed for cardiac surgeries will develop to $22.5 billion (€20.9 billion) by 2021, with a year-on-year increment of 9.1%. The substantial economic burden from the diabetes is about $1.3 million